1 roll

Portuguese Railway locomotive general outline

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: New roof - exhibition hall and gallery - trunking and floor ducts layout

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: New roof - exhibition hall and gallery - display lighting track layout

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - ground floor loading area ventilation and fume extract

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: New roof - exhibition hall - buttresses lighting and power layout

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - engineering area ventilation

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - Jetsave warm air heating system layout

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - Plant Room sections

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - proposed ground floor mechanical services

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power Depot The Works - vehicle restoration and paint areas ventilation

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Staircase no. 1

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Louvres details

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Curtain wall and window details

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Consolidation scheme South Hall - new toilet area South Hall - drainage details

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power The Works - [reflected ceiling?] RC details of pit to inclined lift

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Motive Power The Works - [reflected ceiling?] RC details of stair 2

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Staircase no. 1

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Staircase no. 1

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: South Yard development project - phase II

Company newpaper PEN [Philips Electrical News: A Newspaper for Philips Electrical People]; published by the Press Office, Philips Electrical Ltd., Century House, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2. Printed by Q B Ltd., Colchester. Editor Barry Whitehead. First issue no. 1. Eight pages, Page 8 article titled 'It was a night to remember! Microwave gala at the Hilton' in London. Black & white pictures include Mr. Lewis Napleton, Product Manager of Philips Microwave Group. Front page; written in blue ink 'L.A.N' [Lewis Napleton]

Company newpaper PEN [Philips Electrical News: A Newspaper for Philips Electrical People]; Page 8 article titled 'It was a night to remember! Microwave gala at the Hilton' in London.

Photocopy (on A4 white paper) of an article titled 'Mr Microwave spreads his wings', profiling Lewis Napleton; printed in the publication 'Hospitality', page 7.

Photocopy of an article titled 'Mr Microwave spreads his wings', profiling Lewis Napleton; printed in the publication 'Hospitality', page 7.

Photocopy (on A4 white paper) of a feature page titled 'People - who has moved where' profiling several people in the hospitality industry including 'The Microwave Expert', Lewis Napleton; printed in the publication 'Hospitality', page 20.

Photocopy of a feature page titled 'People - who has moved where' profiling several people in the hospitality industry including 'The Microwave Expert', Lewis Napleton; printed in the publication 'Hospitality', page 20

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Committees: Foundation of the National Railway Museum - British Railway Board - minister of states meetings regarding future of Railway Board museums from passage of Transport Act 1968

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Committees: Foundation of the National Railway Museum - objections from Clapham Society

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Committees: Foundation of the National Railway Museum - advisory council on the relocation of Transport relics and records to York

1 volume

Machine Specifications 18982-19059

Publication reference AELB383. Final Report for contract KM/3C/2371/CB21D.

Oscillogyro by D W Alford

The reprint is of the paper given by R Whalley and D W Alford.

Ferranti reprint of an AGARD conference paper

2 copies

A Plan of Further Development for the Oscillogyro

1 item

Booklet titled "Nuclear power publications"

1 item

Booklet titled "Atom on Film"

1 item

Booklet titled "Energy and the need for nuclear power"

1 item

Booklet titled "Energy and the need for nuclear power"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "Transport of Plutonium Nitrate"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "The fast reactor"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "The fast reactor"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "Energy and the need for nuclear power"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "Nuclear Power: How and Why"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "Nuclear Power: How and Why"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "Nuclear Electricity: How and Why"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "Nuclear Waste Management"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "Nuclear Power: How and Why"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "How safe is nuclear power"

1 document

Pamphlet titled "Plutonium"

1 item

Leaflet titled "say NO to Nuclear Power"

1 item

Booklet titled "With safety in mind"

1 item

Booklet titled "The Chernobyl Accident"

1 item

Booklet titled "Nuclear spin-off"

1 item

Booklet titled "Nuclear Power - A Matter of Confidence"

1 item

Wall chart, titled "Nuclear power in Britain"